41 pages 1 hour read

Austin Kleon

Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2012

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Super Short Summary

Steal Like an Artist, a creative self-help book by Austin Kleon, offers ten pieces of advice on sustaining a creative practice in the digital age. It encourages artists to "steal" from their inspirations, use analog tools, balance work and play, leverage the internet to build creative communities, and maintain financial stability and routines for long-term success. Topics in the book include drug and alcohol use, mental health, and suicide.

Reviews & Readership

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Review Roundup

Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon is widely praised for its engaging and accessible advice on creativity, making it a favorite among artists and writers. It encourages borrowing inspiration while fostering originality. Some critics find the content simplistic and the ideas unoriginal. Overall, it's a motivational read for creatives but may lack depth for some readers.

Who should read this

Who Should Read Steal Like an Artist?

A reader who enjoys Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon is likely a creative individual seeking inspiration and practical advice on embracing creativity in their everyday life. Similar to readers of Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic and Steven Pressfield's The War of Art, they value originality, self-expression, and actionable insights on artistic pursuits.


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Book Details



Business / Economics



Identity: Language

Values/Ideas: Art

Values/Ideas: Science & Technology



Self Help